Food Research; 100% Whole Food Supplements for Healthcare Professionals
Research International is Caribbean company dedicated to providing the
highest quality nutritional supplements, in a form that is as close as
possible to those naturally found in foods. It is well understood by
nutrition researchers that we, as humans, should derive nutrition from
food. It is our goal at Food Research to provide the best,
scientifically researched, natural food supplements which meet the
needs of those who live in our "modern" society. Food Research products
are environmentally friendly. They are natural food complexes which
have been shown to be better for the internal human environment.
Why are Food Research International products the best?
At least 98.97% of vitamins consumed are synthetic isolates, though
they are often labeled as natural. Yet, there are no isolated USP
nutrients that exist naturally. So, nearly all companies combine
synthetic isolates with industrially-processed minerals in order to
produce their vitamin-mineral formulas.
Food Research International is different.
None of our products contain any synthetic/isolated USP nutrients.
In order to obtain potencies that members of modern societies need,
many of the nutrients in our products are hydroponically-grown to
improve the concentration of nutrients in the specific raw foods that
we use.
We essentially take advantage of a law of nature that a plant will
absorb more of a nutrient when that nutrient in more available.
Essentially, the plant is fed an enzyme-containing liquid that will be
higher in one particular mineral. The plant will absorb more of that
mineral, since more of it is present. The nutrient foods are grown in
an FDA registered facility.
In reality we are duplicating the process of nature when we create food
nutrients. Nature's process takes inorganic, non-food substances from
the soil and delivers them to the cells of the plant. This natural
process is the merging of different elements into a union creating one.
Creating a whole from different elements is nature in action. The best
method of creating a union, like those created by nature, between
inorganic fractions and the whole food matrix seems to be utilizing
hydroponic technologies.
We wanted to supply the best possible form of nutrients so we looked
into modern technologies that would be compatible with the natural life
processes that nature uses to improve the nutrients in natural plants.
This led to the acquisition of foods combined with a natural cold
fusion process. The definition of fusion is the merging of different
elements into a union, creating an enhanced whole from different
elements. A natural cold fusion process is used to produce superior
nutrients that are always 100% food. Enhanced nutrients occur from the
merging of specific elements through a living plant into a whole food
matrix through low temperature hydroponic farming. The reason that the
process is "cold" is in order to preserve the naturally-occurring
enzymes and other beneficial substances in the foods. Many of the
processes and equipment had to be custom-made or altered to accommodate
our need to maintain the fresh frozen raw foods used to create the
usable raw materials. Cold fusion processing was not an after thought.
No expense was spared to create these cold fusion processes and the
state of the art manufacturing plant needed to keep Food Research
International products the best available on the planet.
Furthermore, this form of "cold fusion-hydroponic" farming is pesticide
free, and hence the quality of the food nutrients produced this way can
be considered superior to conventionally grown foods. After growing,
the plant is then harvested and dried.
No Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMO) have ever been found in our
nutrient foods upon average analysis (which means none have ever been
detected any time that they have been tested for).
These superior foods are also free of artificial colors, preservatives,
and similar chemicals. The grown nutrients are also HPLC (high
performance liquid chromatography) validated. And the nutrient content
of each batch is tested for potency.
Food Research International represents the best of all worlds: Real
food nutrients, in real foods, with naturally occurring substances
(such as enzymes, amino acids, lipids, and/or bioflavonoids) bottled
and tested for potency.
100% food nutrients, 100% of the time.
Food Research International your best choice for 100% food nutrients. Additionally, you may view some of the specialized equioment from which Food Research International food nutrients are grown and processed.
We also have the best known refractive drying process of any food nutrients. You may also view information about the drying process.
Who heads up the Food Research?
Research International Ltd. was intitially headed up by Clyde Skeete,
of Barbados. Financial affairs handled by Canadian Barbara Gibbs.
The research group at Food Research consists of a variety of independent research scientists.
researcher is Robert Thiel, Naturopath who also holds a Ph.D. in
nutrition science. He has conducted, and had published, many scientific
health studies. Thiel received the Leadership Award from the Orthomolecular Health Medicine Society. Thiel has been named Research Scientist of the Year, Physician of the Year, and Disability Researcher of the Year by the largest American naturopathic association. Doc. Thiel has had the only comprehensive paper published in a medical peer-reviewed journal (Medical Hypotheses) on the advantages of natural food vitamins over synthetic 'nutrients'.
He also specializes in nutritional interventions for fatigue, sports
performance, and various genetic and non-genetic disabilities.
is Steve Xue Ph.D., who runs Natural Medicine Without Borders. Dr. Xue
also teaches Alternative Medicine to senior students at Portland State
University and aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine at top TCM
universities in China. Dr. Xue received the Best Teaching Award by the Center for Teaching Excellence of Ohio University and the Award for Excellence of Research by the College of Education of Arkansas State University. He has authored various papers and books. He also specializes in alternative interventions for communications disorders.
researcher is Dr. James Schutz who has a doctorate in nutrition. He
works with Kay Minders who holds a B.S. in nutrition. Both Dr. Schutz
and Ms. Minders are also a board certified holistic health
practitioners. Dr. Schutz has been registered internationally as a
specialist in fibromylagia, immune disorders, and nutrition. Ms.
Minders also has been registered as a therapeutic specialist in
nutrition and immune disorders. Both also work with genetic and
non-genetic disabilities.
Input is also provided by health professionals throughout the world.
Why are Food Research nutrients better than isolated USP nutrients?
beings should get their nutrition from foods. "The body is designed to
handle foods" [1]. It is important to realize "that in nature vitamins
are never isolated. They are always present in the form of
vitamin-complexes" [2-5]. Vitamins are natural complexes which produce
a variety of actions in the body whereas some isolated USP vitamins are
analogues of vitamins which appear to have at least some of these
activities [5]. Food nutrients are complexed just as nutrients found in
all foods, because they are food. USP vitamins are synthesized
(according to strict federal standards), standardized chemical isolates
(as listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia or the USAN and USP
Dictionary of Drug Names) [6]; they are not food.
It is
well known among nutrition researchers that most essential minerals are
not well absorbed (some are less than 1%) [7]. "Bioavailability of
orally administered vitamins, minerals, and trace elements is subject
to a complex set of influences...In nutrition science the term
'bioavailability' encompasses the sum of impacts that may reduce or
foster the metabolic utilization of a nutrient" [8]. Studies show that
natural food complex nutrients are better than isolated USP vitamins or
inorganic mineral salts or mineral chelates [e.g. 9-25].
Vegetarian FOOD Nutrient |
Compared to USP/Mineral Salt |
Vitamin A |
More complete, as scientists teach that vitamin A is not an isolate [13] |
Vitamin B-9 |
More utilizable above 266mcg (Recommended Daily Intake is 400mcg) [14] |
Vitamin C |
Over 15.6 times antioxidant effect [15] |
Vitamin D |
Over 10 times the antirachitic effect [16] |
Vitamin E |
Up to 4.0 times the free radical scavenging strength [17] |
Vitamin K |
Safer for children [18] |
Calcium |
7 times as effective in raising serum ionic calcium levels [19] |
Chromium |
Up to 25 times more bioavailable [20] |
Iron |
Non-constipating, better absorbed [21] |
Magnesium |
Better absorbed and retained [22] |
Selenium |
Nearly 2 times better retained [23] |
Zinc |
Better absorption, better form [24,25] |
university studies have concluded that supplements containing food
nutrients are better than USP isolates. Food nutrients are better
because they contain important enzymes, peptides, and phytonutrients
CRITICAL to the UTILIZATION of vitamins and minerals which are not
present in isolated USP nutrients. Published research has concluded
that food vitamins are superior synthetic/USP vitamins.
[1] Whitney EN, Hamilton EMN. Understanding Nutrition, 4th ed. West Publishing, New York, 1987
[2] Airola P. How to Get Well. Health Plus, Sherwood (OR), 1989
[3] Olson JA. Vitamin A, retinoids, and carotenoids. In Modern
Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th ed. Lea & Febiger,
[4] Farrell PA, Roberts RJ. Vitamin E. In Modern Nutrition in Health
and Disease, 8th ed. Lea & Febiger, Phil.,1994:326-358
[5] DeCava JA. The Real Truth about Vitamins & Antioxidants. A Printery, Centerfield (MA), 1997
[6] The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. USAN and USP Dictionary of Drug Names. Mack Printing, Easton (PA),1986
[7] Turnland JR. Bioavailability of dietary minerals to humans: the
stable isotope approach. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr,1991;30(4);387-396
[8] Schumann K, et al. Bioavailability of oral vitamins, minerals, and
trace minerals in perspective. Arzneimittelforshcung,1997;47(4):369-380
[9] Ha SW. Rabbit study comparing yeast and isolated B vitamins (as
described in Murray RP. Natural vs. Synthetic. Mark R. Anderson, 1995,
p:A3). Ann Rev Physiol,1941; 3:259-282
[10] Thiel R. Natural vitamins may be superior to synthetic ones. Med Hypo.2000;55(6):461-469
[11] Thiel R.J, Fowkes S.W. Can cognitive deterioration associated with
Down syndrome be reduced? Medical Hypotheses, 2005; 64(3):524-532
[12] Traber MG, Elsner A, Brigelius-Flohe R. Synthetic as compared with
natural vitamin E is preferentially excreted as alpha-CEHC in human
urine: studies using deuterated alpha-tocopherol acetates. FEBS
Letters, 1998;437:145-148
[13] Ross A.C. Vitamin A and Carotenoids. In Modern Nutrition in Health
and Disease, 10th ed. Lippincott William & Wilkins, Phil, 2005:
[14] Lucock M. Is folic acid the ultimate functional food component for disease prevention? BMJ, 2004;328:211-214
[15] Williams D. ORAC values for fruits and vegetables. Alternatives, 1999;7(22):171
[16] Thiel R. Vitamin D, rickets, and mainstream experts. Int J Naturopathy, 2003; 2(1)
[17] Traber MG. Vitamin E. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, 1999:347-362
[18] Olson R.E. Vitamin K. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Nutrition, 9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Balt., 1999: 363-380
[19] Hamet P, et al. The evaluation of the scientific evidence for a
relationship between calcium and hypertension. J Nutr,
[20] Ensminger AH, Ensminger ME, Konlade JE, Robson JRK. Food & Nutrition Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. CRC Press, New York, 1993
[21] Wood R.J., Ronnenberg A.G. Iron. In Modern Nutrition in Health and
Disease, 10th ed. Lippincott William & Wilkins, Phil, 2005: 248-270
[22] Rude R.K., Shils M.E. Magnesium. In Modern Nutrition in Health and
Disease, 10th ed. Lippincott William & Wilkins, Phil, 2005: 223-247
[23] Biotechnology in the Feed Industry. Nottingham Press, UK, 1995: 257-267
[24] Andlid TA, Veide J, Sandberg AS. Metabolism of extracellular
inositol hexaphosphate (phytate) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Int J.
Food Microbiology. 2004;97(2):157-169
[25] King JC, Cousins RJ. Zinc. In Modern Nutrition in Health and
Disease, 10 th ed. Lipponcott Williams & Wilkins, Phil.,
Some of these studies (citations) may not conform to peer review
standards. Therefore the results are not conclusive. Professionals can,
and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing scientific
data (peer-reviewed or not).
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