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Vitamin B-6, B-12, & FolateTM
90 Capsules $23.98 Vegetarian Formula * Dietary Supplement |
100% Food Vitamin B-6, B-12, & Folate is a natural, vegetarian, Food complex source of vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, and folate. Various forms of anemia often have a nutritional component [1,2] and near constant or mid-afternoon fatigue are common symptoms. Unlike other brands, 100% Food Vitamin B-6, B-12, & Folate contains no USP vitamins or vitamin forms foreign to the human body. Vitamin B-6: “An understanding of the various forms and quantities of these forms in foods is important in the evaluation of the bioavailability and metabolism of vitamin B-6”... one of the forms that vitamin B-6 exists is in the form of “5’0-(beta-D-glycopyransosyl) pyridoxine. To date only plant foods have been found to contain this interesting form of vitamin B-6” [3]. Yeast and rice bran contain more natural Food vitamin B-6 than other Foods [4]. Vitamin B-6 was first reported in the 1930s [5]. At least one synthetic vitamin B-6 analogue has been found to inhibit natural vitamin B-6 action [6]. Pyridoxine HCL (hydrochloride) which is found in most non-Food supplements, is made with petroleum ester combined with HCL and processed with formaldehyde [7]. “Disorders treated with (B-6)...include Down’s syndrome, autism, hyperoxaluria, gestational diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome, depression, and diabetic neuropathy”, but the results are consider by some in the mainstream as having “limited value” [1]. Vitamin B-6 is considered to be a first-line treatment for Lennox-Gastaut and some other seizure disorders [8,9].Many problems including anemias, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), PMS, cardiovascular complaints, confusion, depression, irritability, and certain immune problems have responded to vitamin B-6 [9]. A study of healthy elderly individuals found about 1/3 had marginal vitamin B-6 deficiency [9]. Vitamin ‘B-9’, Folate: The vitamin once known as B-9 exists in foods as folate. Initially Food folate was given for people with a pregnancy-related anemia in the form of autolyzed yeast; later a synthetic USP isolate was developed [1]. Pteroylglutamic acid (folic acid), the common pharmacological (USP) form of folate is not found significantly as such in the body [1]. “Folic acid is a synthetic folate form” [9]. Folic acid, such as in most supplements, is not found in Foods, folate is [10]. Insufficient folate can result in fatigue, depression, confusion, anemia, reduced immune function, loss of intestinal villi, and an increase in infections [2]. Folate deficiency is the most important determinant in high homocysteine levels [11], and supplemental folate is effective in reducing homocysteine [11,12]. “The highest concentrations of folate exist in yeast…and brocolli” [1]. Insufficient folate can result in fatigue, depression, confusion, anemia, reduced immune function, loss of intestinal villi, and an increase in infections [2]. “(C)onsumption of more than 266 mcg of synthetic folic acid (PGA) results in absorption of unreduced PGA, which may interfere with folate metabolism for a period of years” [1]. A 2004 paper from the British Medical Journal confirmed what many natural health professional have known all along: since folic acid is unnatural and the body cannot fully convert large amounts of it into usable folate, this artificial substance can be absorbed and may have unknown negative consequences in the human body [13], folate supplementation obviously should be in Food folate forms and not folic acid! Vitamin B-12 : Initially Foodvitamin B-12 was given for people with pernicious anemia in the form of raw liver, but due to cost considerations a synthetic USP isolate (cyanocobalamin) was developed [6]. Cyanocobalamin, the common pharmacological (USP) form of vitamin B-12, is essentially cobalamins combined with cyanide! [6]. The only two naturally active forms of vitamin B-12 in the human body are methylcobalamin and deoxyadenosylcobalamin and those are in Food [1]. Vitamin B-12 when ingested in its human-active form is non-toxic [1], yet some researchers have concluded “The efficacy and safety of the vitamin B-12 analogues created by nutrient-nutrient interaction in vitamin-mineral supplements is unknown” [14]; interestingly some synthetic vitamin B-12 analogues seem to be antagonistic to vitamin B-12 activity in the body [15,16]! Insufficient vitamin B-12 results in anemia, degeneration of peripheral nerves, and skin hypersensitivity [1,2]. Vitamins B-6, B-12, and Folate are all important nutrients for healthy blood; the absence of any of them can trigger various forms of anemia (especially pernicious anemia) [1,14].Subclinical deficiencies in vitamin B-12, vitamin B-6, and folate may impair cognitive function [17]. Homocysteine responds to vitamin B-12 and folate [12]. Dr. Mason of Tufts University School of Medicine reports that a 20% elevation of homocysteine significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease [18]. Normal homocysteine level is about 12 umol/L, while cardiovascular risk increases about 14-16 umol/L [18]. In addition, even if blood tests for vitamin B-12 or folate appear to be normal, this may be because results are masked by an elevated level of homocysteine. Homocysteine is highly implicated in vascular diseases (such as cardiovascular and other vascular disorders), and can be reduced with sufficient vitamin B-12 and Folate; with vitamin B-6 sometimes playing a supporting role [12]. Superoxide Dismutase : “Superoxide dismutase (S.O.D.) is one of the most important enzymes that function as cellular antioxidants...The absence of this enzyme is lethal” [1]. “It protects intracellular components from oxidative damage, converting the superoxide ion to hydrogen peroxide” [1]. S.O.D. is a powerful free radical scavenger which has been clinically shown to protect the brain, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, muscles, penis, nerves, and spinal cord from ischemic injury [19]. High levels of S.O.D. have been associated with reduced growth of Candida albicans [20]. 100% Food Vitamin B-6, B-12, and Folate naturally contains S.O.D. Rice bran is also a Food complex source of silicon and B vitamins [2,21-24]. Since Vitamin B-6, B-12, & Folate contains only Foods, unlike other isolated supplements, it also naturally includes vitamin B-1 (thiamin), vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), vitamin B-3 (niacinamide), vitamin B-5 (pantothenate), choline, inositol, and other B vitamin factors which often work with vitamins B-6, B-12, and folate in the body. All these factors make 100% Food Vitamin B-6, B-12, & Folate the choice for doctors interested in truly natural health. Many females simply take Vitamin B-6, B-12, & Folate as a Food supplement to help them feel better.Contains naturally occurring carbohydrates, lipids, proteins (including all ten essential amino acids), superoxide dismutase, and truly organic bioflavonoids as found in enzymatically processed Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rice bran Oryza sativa, Alfalfa sprouts Medicago sativa, and Mixed vegetable fiber Cellula vegetabalis all the nutrients shown above are contained in these foods. Unlike many so-called "natural" vitamin formulas, Food Vitamin B6, B12 & Folate is a food vitamin formula (and not a synthetic isolate) contains no synthetic USP nutrients, but only contains foods, food complexes, and food concentrates. Numerous
university studies have concluded that supplements containing food
nutrients are better than USP isolates. Food nutrients are better
because they contain important enzymes, peptides, and phytonutrients
CRITICAL to the UTILIZATION of vitamins and minerals which are not
present in isolated USP nutrients. Published research has concluded
that food vitamins are superior synthetic/USP vitamins. Suggested use: 1-2 tablets per day or as recommended by your health care professional. Adjust usage according to nutritional lifestyle requirements.
[1] Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Balt., 1999 [2] Whitney EN, Hamilton EMN. Understanding Nutrition, 4th ed. West Publishing, NY, 1987 [3] Leklem JE. Vitamin B6. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th ed. Lea & Febiger, Phil.,1994:383-394 [4] Ensminger AH, Ensminger ME, Konlade JE, Robson JRK. Food & Nutrition Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. CRC Press, New York, 1993 [5] Shils ME, et al. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 10th ed. Lipponcott Williams & Wilkins, Balt., 2006 [6] Mervyn L. The B Vitamins. Thorsons, Wellingborough (UK), 1981 [7] Vitamin-Mineral Manufacturing Guide Nutrient Empowerment, volume 1. Nutrition Resource, Lakeport (CA), 1986 [8] Glauser TA, Morita DA. Encephalopathic epilepsy after infancy. In Pediatric Epilepsy, 2nd ed. Demos, New York, 2001:201-218 [9] Hendler SS, Rorvik D, eds. PDR for Nutritional Supplements. Medical Economics, Montvale (NJ), 2001 [10] Macrae R, Robson RK, Sadler MJ. Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition. Academic Press, NY, 1993 [11] Verhoef P. Homocysteine metabolism and risk of myocardial infarction: Relation with vitamin B6, B12, and Folate. Am J Epidemiol 1996;143(9):845-859 [12] Brattstrom L. Vitamins as homocysteine-lowering agents: A mini review. Presentation at The Experimental Biology 1995 AIN Colloquium, April 13, 1995, Atlanta Georgia [13] Lucock M. Is folic acid the ultimate functional food component for disease prevention? BMJ, 2004;328:211-214 [14] Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th ed. Lea & Febiger, Phil., 1994 [15] Ishida A, Kanefusa H, Fujita H, Toraya T. Microbiological activities in nucleotide loop-modified analogues of vitamin B12. Arch Microbiol 1994;161(4):293-299 [16] Tandler B, Krhenbul S, Brass EP. Unusual mitochondria in the hepatocytes of rats treated with a vitamin B12 analogue. Anat Rec 1994;231(1):1-6 [17] Gonzalez-Gross M, Marcos A, Pietrzik K. Nutrition and cognitive impairment in the elderly. Br J Nutr 2001;86:313-321 [18] Brown S, et al. High serum homocysteine appear to be a risk factor. Family Practice News May 1, 1995:25 [19] Null G. Superoxide Dismutase. In The Clinician’s Handbook of Natural Healing. Kensington Books, New York, 1997:137-144 [20] Romandini P, Bonotto C, Bertoloni G, Beltramini M, Salvato B. Superoxide dismutase, catalase and cell dimorphism in Candida albicans cells exposed to methanol and different temperature. Comp Biochem Physiol Pharm Toxicol Endocrinol,1994;108(1):53-57 [21] Thompson FE, et al. Sources of fiber and fat in the diets of U.S. women ages 19 to 50: implications for nutritional education and policy. Am J Pub Health 1992, 82(5):695-702 [22] Dietary fiber: importance of function as well as amount. Lancet 1992, 340:1133-1134 [23] Jensen B. The Chemistry of Man. Bernard Jensen, Escondido, 1983 [24] Nielsen FH. Ultratrace minerals. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 9th ed. Williams and Wilkins, Balt.;1999:283-303 Some of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review standards, therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All products distributed by Doctors’ Research, Inc. are nutritional and are not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical conditions .