The immune system is quite complex. Since it does consist of many
complex parts, “[t]he human body has the ability to resist almost all
types of organisms or toxins that tend to damage the tissues and
organs. This capacity is called immunity” [1]. Throughout history, many
Foods have been consumed to help support the body’s ability to defend itself from pathogenic invaders of various sorts.
Acerola Cherry is one of the most vitamin C dense Foods.
Not only does it have free radical scavenging abilities, it also has
been shown to increase the antioxidant abilities of some other foods
Bovine Liver supplies liver tissue.
The liver contains Kupffer cells, which are large macrophages that can
efficiently cleanse the blood of various bacteria [1]. “The active
chemical medium of the liver is well known for its ability to detoxify
or excrete into bile many drugs including sulfonamides, pencillin,
ampicillin, and erythromycin” [1]. The liver tissue in Thymo-Immune is from New Zealand.
Bovine Parotid supplies parotid tissue, one of the main types of salivary glands. Both Staphylococcus aureus and Streptoccocus viridans
can cause inflammation of the parotid glands [3]. The parotid glands
secrete immunoglobin antibodies IgA1, IgA2, IgG, and IgM [4,5], with
“IgA2 being more resistant to digestion by bacterial proteases than
IgA1 ” [4]. It appears that low salivary production of IgA, IgG, and
IgM contributes to higher infection rates for institutionalized
individuals with Down syndrome [5], and probably others. The parotid
tissue in Thymo-Immune is from New Zealand.
Bovine Spleen
supplies spleen tissue. The spleen is the body’s largest lymphatic
organ. “The lymphocytes are located most extensively in the lymph
nodes, but they are also found in specialized lyphoid tissues, such as
the spleen…When the blood is invaded by infectious agents, the
reticuloendothial cells of the spleen rapidly remove debris, bacteria,
parasites, and so forth. Also, in many infectious processes, the spleen
enlarges in the same manner that lymph glands enlarge and then performs
its cleansing function even more adequately” [1]. The spleen tissue in Thymo-Immune is from New Zealand.
Bovine Thymus
supplies thymus tissue. “The T lymphocytes, after their origination in
the bone marrow, first migrate to the thymus gland. Here they divide
rapidly and at the same time develop extreme diversity for reacting
against specific antigens. That is, one of the thymic lymphocytes
develops specific reactivity against one antigen. Then the next
lymphocyte develops specificity against another antigen. This continues
until there are different thymic lymphocytes with specific reactivities
against millions of different antigens. These different types of
processed T lymphocytes now leave the thymus and spread throughout the
body to lodge in lymphocyte tissue everywhere…The thymus selects which
T lymphocytes will be released” [1]. It is believed that feeding the
thymus can affect both the type of T lymphocytes released as well as
their quantity, thus impacting the body’s ability to fight infection.
Oral consumption of a bovine thymus extract has been shown to reduce
the frequency of recurrent respiratory infections and and increase
salivary IgA in children [6]. The thymus gland contains thymic hormones
which Schulof found may enhance immune response for people with HIV
[7]. It should be noted that many substances contained within animal
tissues are similar (or identical) to their human counterparts [8,9],
including certain enzymes [8] and even T cell gene regions [9]. Oral
supplementation with bovine thymus has been shown to be capable of
enhancing T-lymphocyte activity, probably due to a thymosin-like
activity [10]. The thymus tissue in Thymo-Immune is from New Zealand.
Carrot Root
naturally contains betacarotene, a vitamin A precursor. Vitamin A is
used by the body to strengthen the immune system and to help fight
infections [11].
“Echinacea purpurea
herb is used internally as supportive therapy for colds and chronic
infections of the respiratory track and lower urinary track…of viral or
bacterial origins” [1]. It is approved by Commision E for
colds, coughs, bronchitis, fevers, urinary track infections,
inflammation of the mouth and pharnyx, and tendency towards infections
Eleuthero was once known as
Siberian Ginseng. One double-blind human study found that eleuthero
root resulted in a “drastic increase in the absolute number of
immunocompetent cells, with an especially pronounced effect on T
lymphocytes, predominantly of the helper/inducer type, but also on
cytotoxic and natural killer cells. In addition, a general enhancement
of the activation state of T lymphocytes was observed” [13]. Another
study concluded, “In vitro treatment of lymphocytes with
eleutherococcal preparation produced an immune-boosting effect both in
cancer patients and healthy controls” [14]. It is approved by Commission E to
help those with tendency to infection [12]. A recent study concluded
that whole dried eleuthero was more effective in “enhancing
immunopharmacological activities” than isolates [15], once more
demonstrating the value of Foods and not chemical isolates for immune function.
contains alliin which “is antimicrobial…The antibacterial, antimycotic
and lipid reducing effects have been well documented…Garlic tablets
studied in vitro were found to enhance natural killer (NK)
cells…In folk medicine, garlic is utilized internally for inflammatory
respiratory conditions, whooping cough, and bronchitis” [12]. “The
antiseptic and antibacterial properties of garlic have been known for
centuries…Garlic extracts have been shown to have antifungal activity
when tested in vitro” [6]. Garlic has anti-oxidant effects which means
it can reduce toxicity associated free-radical damage. “Garlic contains
the trace elements germanium and selenium, which have been thought to
play a role in improving host immunity and ‘normalizing’ the oxygen
utilization in neoplastic cells” [16].
“Goldenseal alkaloids have modest antimicrobial activity” [16]. Although Thymo-Immune contains low amounts of Goldenseal, in high amounts it is not advised during pregnancy [12,16].
Rice Bran is a source of B vitamins. In Indian medicine, “[r]ice is used for pneumonia” [12].
The 100% Food Thymo-Immune formulacontains the herbs and glandulars that can help nutritionally support the immune system. Note: If one has some type of Staphylococci infection, it is normally best to avoid bovine (cow) dairy and sometimes oat-containing products.

Unlike many so-called “natural” formulas, Thymo-Immune
is only comprised of foods, contains no synthetic USP nutrients or
isolated mineral salts, but only contains foods, food complexes, and
food concentrates.
Numerous university studies have
concluded that supplements containing food nutrients are better than
USP isolates. Food nutrients are better because they contain important
enzymes, peptides, and phytonutrients CRITICAL to the UTILIZATION of
vitamins and minerals which are not present in isolated USP nutrients.
Published research has concluded that food vitamins are superior
synthetic/USP vitamins.
Suggested use: 1-9 capsules per
day or as recommended by your health care professional. Adjust usage
according to nutritional lifestyle requirements.
Thymo Immune Video
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[2] Hwang J, Hodis HN, Sevanian A. Soy and alfalfa phytoestrogen
extracts become potent low-density lipoprotein antioxidants in the
presence of acerola cherry extract. J Agric Food Chem.
[3] Cotran R, Kumar V, Collins T. Pathological Basis for Disease, 6 th ed. W.B.Saunders, Phil., 1999
[4] Childers NK, Greenleaf C, Li F, Dasanayake AP, Powell WD, Michalek
SM. Effect of age on immunoglobulin A subclass distribution in human
parotid saliva. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2003;18(5):298-301
[5] Chaushu S, Yefe Nof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. Parotid
salivary immunoglobulins, recurrent respiratory tract infections and
gingival health in institutionalized and non-institutionalized subjects
with Down's syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2003;47(Pt 2):101-107
[6] Fiocchi A, Borella E, Riva E, Arensi D, Travaglini P, Cazzola P,
Giovannini M. A double-blind clinical trial for the evaluation of the
therapeutical effectiveness of a calf thymus derivative (Thymomodulin)
in children with recurrent respiratory infections. Thymus.
[7] Schulof RS, et al. Phase
I/II trial of thymosin fraction 5 and thymosin alpha one on HTLV-III
seropositive subjects. J of Biologic Response Modifiers,1986; 5:
[8] McCarren M. Animals in research:
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[10] Bland J. Glandular Therapy. Circa 1989
[11] Shils M, et al eds. Modern Nutrition in Health & Disease, 9 th ed. Wilkins & Williams, Balt. 1999
[12] Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, editors. PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2nd ed. Medical Economics, Montvale (NJ), 2000
[13] Bohn B, Nebe CT, Birr C. Flow-cytometric studies with
eleutherococcus senticosus extract as an immunomodulatory agent.
Arzneimittelforschung. 1987 Oct;37(10):1193-1196
[14] Kupin VI, Polevaia EB. Stimulation of the immunological reactivity
of cancer patients by Eleutherococcus extract. Vopr Onkol.
[15] Steinmann GG, Esperester
A, Joller P. Immunopharmacological in vitro effects of Eleutherococcus
senticosus extracts. Arzneimittelforschung. 2001;51(1):76-83
[16] Hebel SK et al eds. The Review of Natural Products. Facts and Comparisons, St. Louis, 2001
of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review
standards, therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals
can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing
scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All
products distributed by Doctors’ Research, Inc. are nutritional and are
not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition