people like the smell and taste of food. However, many people,
especially as they age, begin to lose some of their senses of smell and
taste. “Over 2 million people in the United States have
disorders of taste and smell” [1]. Many also have
complaints such as dry mouth.
Since most who do begin to
lose these senses presume that it is simply age-related, they normally
do nothing about it and let the deterioration continue. Some
complain of losing their appetite and any interest in cooking. A loss
of senses can be frustrating because they affect a person’s ability to
enjoy food, drink, aromas, and often life itself. Weight loss,
sometimes excessive loss, often accompanies loss of taste and smell [2].
and taste are closely linked with both sensations being transmitted to
the brain which then combines the two lots of information to correctly
recognize and appreciate flavors. Many of the more complex flavors
require both taste and smell to be properly sensed.
A loss
of the sense of smell is called anosmia while limited loss is termed
hyposmia [3]. Smelling disorders occur more frequently than taste
loss. While there are innumerable smells, they have been
classified into the categories of camphoraceous, musky, floral,
pepperminty, ethereal, pungent, and putrid [4]. Some people have
odor blindness which means that they cannot detect the smell of single
substances—discrete odor blindness has been identified in over 50
substances [4].
The sense of smell is complex. It
can be affected by changes in the nose, mucous, liver problems, the
nerves leading from the nose to the brain, or simply in the brain. In
addition to age, allergic rhinitis, head trauma, depression, low
estrogen, upper respiratory infections, or chronic nasal infections are
often implicated [2-6].
The loss of the sense of taste
is called ageusia, while an impairment of taste is called hypogeusia.
Although there are at least thirteen possible taste receptors
[4], tastes that the tongue detects include sweet, sour, salt, pungent
(hot spicy), bitter, and glutamate. Loss of taste is normally
caused by conditions that affect the tongue such as dry mouth, certain
medications, depression, smoking, or radiation therapies [2-5].
addition to loss of enjoyment in eating, loss of taste and smell can be
potentially dangerous as they warn us about items that have gone bad
that we should not eat, dangerous chemical odors, and can even have an
effect on matters such as libido. What if there are nutritional
deficiencies that contribute to this loss? Would not nutritional
supplementation be preferable to losing ones’ smell and taste senses?
Complete Smell and Taste contains the following Foods:
Bovine Liver.
It has been reported that “Acute and chronic liver disease can effect
taste, smell, food preference and appetite” [6]. The liver
is the chemical factory of the body and makes many enzymes that affect
essentially every function in the body. One study found that 71%
of those with liver cirrhosis had impairment to their ability to smell
Bovine Parotid. Parotid glands
are a type of salivary glands (there are other salivary glands in the
tongue). Bovine parotid glands have been advised for “Salivary
disorders…Diminished salivation, enlargement of the salivary
glands…Mouth-tongue disorders” [8]. In other words, parotid has
long been advised for people with dry mouths.
Goat Olfactory Tissue
supplies peptides, enzymes, and other components found in the olfactory
components of the nasal cavity. “Each olfactory sensory neuron in
the olfactory epithelium expresses a single type of odorant receptor
that binds odorants on the basis of their molecular features. Different
types of receptors are expressed in different parts of the nose, some
in separate organs, or in different compartments or zones of the main
olfactory epithelium. In the main epithelium, most odorant receptor
expression zones may be functional anatomical units, because they are
organized orthogonally to airflow, establishing an interaction between
chromatographic separation of odorants across the nasal mucosa and
receptor specificity to establish the unique activity patterns across
the epithelium that are evoked by different odorant molecules.
are specialized peripheral organs in the nose that project to separate
small sets of olfactory bulb glomeruli, while the zones of the
olfactory epithelium project to corresponding zones within the
glomerular layer of the bulb inner ear such as the inner ear hair
cells” [9]. Proponents of glandular therapies believe that
ingestion helps the corresponding organ in humans [10].
Goat Tongue,
low temperature dried. The taste buds are located in the tongue
[4]. Low temperature dried goat tongue naturally contains all the
peptides, enzymes, sensory glands, salivary glands, and other
substances found in tongues. Tongue tissue also naturally
contains small quantities of essential nutrients such as zinc, niacin,
and magnesium [11].
Magnesium One
study found that oral magnesium consumption reported that 71%
demonstrated increased smell function on testing [12]. A taste
study involving liver patients found that serum “magnesium was
significantly negatively associated with detection of salt (P = .02)
and gustatory score (P = .02)” [13].
Rice is a natural Food
source of B vitamins. Specifically, rice naturally contains
vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, and B-8, plus
minerals [14]. B complex vitamins are needed for tongue
health [15].
Zinc is an essential mineral
that improves the senses of smell and taste. One study found
involving zinc supplementation concluded that its data supported the
view that gustin/carbonic anhydrase VI is a trophic factor that
enhances growth and development of taste buds by acting on the taste
bud stem cells [16]. Notice that, “[a]lthough the specific role
of zinc in the control of taste or smell is unknown, it is functionally
involved at several levels of cellular organization. At the receptor
level, in the taste bud, zinc is a cofactor in alkaline phosphatase,
the most abundant enzyme isolated from the taste bud membrane. The
cells of the taste buds are provided with microvilli in direct
communication with the oral cavity through an apical pore. A protein
(gate-keeper) regulates the diameter and permeability of the pore and
its membrane, which in turn control the quality of stimuli that pass
through the pore per unit of time. Conformational changes in these
protein molecules are controlled by the equilibrium of metals and,
consequently, a deficiency of some metals, zinc in particular, is
reported to be associated with hypogeusia” [17]. “Zinc deficiency
is common in the elderly and defined as a plasma level less than 15
umol/l. The mean intake in the elderly between 50 and 80 years of age
has been reported to be 9.06 mg per day which is 69% of the recommended
daily allowance. Zinc appears to be effective in taste disorders
only with low zinc concentrations. Elemental zinc supplementation in
daily doses of 25 to 100 mg per day by mouth appears to be beneficial
in taste disorders secondary to zinc depletion" [1].
The senses of smell and taste are important. Complete Smell and Tatse is the only mineral-claiming 100% Food supplement we are aware of intended to nutritionally support these senses.

Complete Smell & Taste Video
Nutrition from food, what a concept!
[1] Heyneman, CA. Zinc Deficiency and Taste Disorders. Ann Pharmacotherapy, 1996;30:186-187
[2] Vissink A, van Weissenbruch R, van Nieuw Amerongen A.
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[3] Henkin RI. Drug-induced taste and smell disorders. Incidence,
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[4] Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th ed. W.B. Saunders Co, Phil., 1996
[5] Deems DA, Doty RL, Settle RG, Moore-Gillon V, Shaman P, Mester AF,
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[6] Hamilton K, et al. Clinical Pearls 1994. ITServices, Sacramento, 1994
[7] Temmel AF, et a1. Dysfunction of the liver affects the sense of smell. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2005;117(1-2):26-30
[8] Lee R. Parotid Cytotrophin. Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, circa 1950
[9] Leon M, Johnson B. Functional units in the olfactory system. PNAS, 2006; vol. 103, no. 41:14985-14986
[10] Thiel R., Fowkes S.W. Down syndrome and thyroid dysfunction:
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[11] Lamb, variety meats and by-products, tongue, raw. USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 19, 2006.
[12] Henkin, R.I., Nelson, N.R.Changes in Smell Function in Patients
With Hyposmia After Magnesium Treatment", J Am Coll Nutr, 1991;10(5):548
[13] Madden AM, Bradbury W, Morgan MY. Taste perception in
cirrhosis: its relationship to circulating micronutrients and food
preferences. Hepatology. 1997;26(1):40-8.
[14] Rice bran, crude. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 17, 2004
[15] Shils M, et al eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease,
10th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Phil., 2006
[16] Henkin RI, Martin BM, Agarwal RP. Efficacy of exogenous oral zinc
in treatment of patients with carbonic anhydrase VI deficiency. Am J
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[17] Hamilton K, et al. Clinical Pearls 1998 with the Experts Speak. ITServices, Sacramento, 1998, p.42
of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review
standards, therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals
can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing
scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All
products distributed by Doctors’ Research, Inc. are nutritional and are
not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition.