Detoxification has long been an important naturopathic concept. The
idea of detoxification has recently become more mainstream and many
health conscious individuals have recognized its value. Since the liver
is the largest abdominal organ, filters the blood, and is the chemical
factory of the body, it is the logical organ to consider when
detoxification or simply supporting general health is a concern. Many
Asian and Western natural health professionals believe that liver
support is also what should be done when they are not sure what should
be done.
Of course, detoxification should not be limited to the use of Food
supplements. Avoiding toxins such as nicotine, caffeine, additives, and
environmental pollutants should also be considered. For most people,
increasing their consumption of raw fruits and vegetables, while
decreasing consumption of processed foods should also be done.
Beet leaf and root
provide fiber and “is used as supportive therapy in diseases of the
liver and fatty liver” [1]. It is believed that this is probably due to
the fact that beet contains betaine [1]. Betaine is a metabolite of
choline [2]. “Beets have been known to aid in lymphatic function and to
stimulate gall bladder and liver function. This is especially important
when detoxifying the body, as these organs are the primary avenues of
detoxification” [3].
Bovine Liver
supplies liver tissue. “The basic functions of the liver can be divided
into (1) its vascular functions for storage and filtration of the
blood, (2), its metabolic functions concerned with the majority of the
metabolic systems of the body, (3) its secretory and excretory
functions…About 1100 milliliters of bloods flows from the portal vein
and into the liver sinusoids each minute, and about an additional 350
milliliters flows into the sinusoids from the hepatic artery” [4]. The
liver thus partially detoxifies the equivalent of all the blood in the
body several times per hour. The liver contains Kupffer cells, which
are large macrophages that can efficiently cleanse the blood of various
bacteria [4]. The liver can expand and can regenerate its own tissue.
The liver is also involved in blood sugar regulation. “Gluconeogensis
in the liver is also concerned with maintaining a normal blood glucose
concentration” [4]. The liver also stores vitamins A, B-12, & D as
well as iron. “The active chemical medium of the liver is well known
for its ability to detoxify or excrete into bile many drugs including
sulfonamides, pencillin, ampicillin, and erythromycin” [4]. Liver
damage can occur when excess steroids or other substances accumulate in
the liver [4]. Although humans have long consumed bovine liver and
other glands, this has decreased in recent years, thus the nutritional
benefits from these glands is now more often accomplished through the
use of supplements. The liver tissue in Liva DeTox & Support is from New Zealand.
Bovine Spleen
supplies spleen tissue. The spleen is the body’s largest lymphatic
organ. “The pulp of the spleen contains many large reticuloendothial
cells, and the venous sinuses are lined with similar cells. These cells
act as a cleansing system for the blood, acting in concert with a
similar system in the venous sinsuses of the liver. When the blood is
invaded by infectious agents, the reticuloendothial cells of the spleen
rapidly remove debris, bacteria, parasites, and so forth. Also, in many
infectious processes, the spleen enlarges in the same manner that lymph
glands enlarge and then performs its cleansing function even more
adequately” [4]. Part of the blood-cleansing function of the spleen is
the removal of old or weak cells [4]. The spleen tissue in Liva DeTox & Support is from New Zealand.
is used internally as an adjuvant to dietetic measures for elevated
lipid levels. The herb is also used for prevention of age-related
vascular changes and arteriosclerosis”. “Garlic contains compounds that
help prevent nitrites—common substances found in foods as well as a
variety of every day pollutants—from transforming themselves into
nitrosamines, harmful compounds that can trigger cancerous changes in
the body” [5]. Garlic has anti-oxidant effects which means it can
reduce toxicity associated free-radical damage. “Garlic contains the
trace elements germanium and selenium, which have been thought to play
a role in improving host immunity and ‘normalizing’ the oxygen
utilization in neoplastic cells” [6]. Garlic componds have been found
to inhibit lipid peroxidation, which “is considered to be one of the
main features of aging in liver cells” [6].
Milk thistle in Liva DeTox & Support is
80% silymarin. Silymarin’s constituents include silibinin,
dehydrosilibinin, silychristin and silydianin. “The hepatoprotective
activity of the seed is from silymarin, in particular silychristin and
silydianin. The compounds seem to inhibit the entrance of toxins and
block toxin-binding sites through alteration of the liver’s outer
membrance…Milk Thistle herb…is used for toxic liver damage, adjunctive
treatment in chronic inflamatory liver disease and hepatic cirrhosis”
[1]. Silymarin constituents have been shown to have chemoprotective and
other positive effects in animals [7]. Animal studies show that
silymarin combinations have helped mental, behaviorial, and social
development for those exposed to ethanol in-utero [8]. Silymarin has
also been found to be protective against UV-radiation [9]. Silymarin
has been found to retard the progression of alcohol-induced hepatic
fibrosis in baboons [10]. “Silibinin is a flavonoid antioxidant and
wildly used for its antihepatotoxic properties and recent studies have
revealed pleiotropic anticancer and antiproliferative capabilities of
silibinin” [11]. It has been suggested that silibin has s ynergistic
anti-cancer effects when combined with conventional cytotoxic agents
doxorubicin, cisplatin and carboplatin against human breast carcinoma
[12]. A recent study found, “Silymarin significantly diminished
FB(1)-induced elevation of plasma alanine aminotransferase and
aspartate aminotransferase activities and the number of apoptotic
hepatocytes, while it augmented hepatocyte proliferation indicated by
an increase in proliferating cells. Silymarin dramatically potentiated
FB(1)-induced accumulation of free sphinganine and sphingosine in both
liver and kidney. Silymarin itself slightly increased expression of
hepatic TNF-alpha; however, it prevented the FB(1)-induced increases in
TNF-alpha, TNF receptor 1, TNF receptor-associated apoptosis-inducing
ligand, lymphotoxin beta, and interferon gamma. The induction of
transforming growth factor beta1 expression in liver following FB(1)
treatment was not affected by silymarin. These findings suggest that
silymarin protected against FB(1) liver damage by inhibiting biological
functions of free sphingoid bases and increasing cellular regeneration”
“P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is a 170 kDa phosphorylated
glycoprotein encoded by human MDR1 gene. It is responsible for the
systemic disposition of numerous structurally and pharmacologically
unrelated lipophilic and amphipathic drugs, carcinogens, toxins, and
other xenobiotics in many organs, such as the intestine, liver, kidney,
and brain” [14] silymarin from milk thistle has been shown to inhibit
Pgp [14], which may explain some of how it helps the body detoxify.
The 100% Food Liva DeTox & Support formulacontains
the herbs and glandulars that can help both support the liver and help
the body detoxify. Combined with correct lifestyle choices, Liva DeTox & Support can be an important part of many detoxification programs.

Unlike many so-called “natural” formulas, Liva DeTox & Support
is only comprised of foods, contains no synthetic USP nutrients or
isolated mineral salts, but only contains foods, food complexes, and
food concentrates. Studies indicate that food nutrients ARE better than isolated USP nutrients and MAY BE better absorbed retained, and utilized than USP nutrients.
use: 1-9 tablets per day or as recommended by your health care
professional. Adjust usage according to nutritional lifestyle
No Synthetic Nutrients * No Dairy * No Preservatives
Liva DeTox & Support Video
[1] Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, editors. PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2nd ed. Medical Economics, Montvale (NJ), 2000
[2] Sheldon S, Rorvik D, editors. PDR for Nutritional Supplements. Medical Economics, Montvale (NJ), 2001
[3] Duarte A. Dr. Duarte’s Health Alternatives. Mega Systems, Morton Grove (IL) 1995
[4] Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th ed. WB Saunders, Phil., 1996
[5] Yeager S, et al. The Doctors Book of Food Remedies. Rodale Inc., USA, 1998
[6] Hebel SK et al eds. Facts and Comparisons. Facts and Comparisons, St. Louis, 2001
[7] Chlopcikova S, Psotova J, Miketova P, Simanek V. Chemoprotective
effect of plant phenolics against anthracycline-induced toxicity on rat
cardiomyocytes. Part I. Silymarin and its flavonolignans. Phytother
Res. 2004;18(2):107-110
[8] Busby A, La Grange L,
Edwards J, King J. The use of a silymarin/phospholipid compound as a
fetoprotectant from ethanol-induced behavioral deficits. J Herb
Pharmcother. 2002;2(1):39-47
[9] Li LH, Wu LJ,
Zhou B, Wu Z, Tashiro S, Onodera S, Uchiumi F, Ikejima T. Silymarin
prevents UV irradiation-induced A375-S2 cell apoptosis. Biol Pharm
Bull. 2004;27(7):1031-1036
[10] Lieber CS, Leo MA,
Cao Q, Ren C, DeCarli LM. Silymarin retards the progression of
alcohol-induced hepatic fibrosis in baboons. J Clin Gastroenterol.
[11] Chu SC , Chiou HL, Clehen
PN, Yang SF, Hsieh YS. Silibinin inhibits the invasion of human lung
cancer cells via decreased productions of urokinase-plasminogen
activator and matrix metalloproteinase-2. Mol Carcinog.
[12] Tyagi AK, Agarwal C, Chan
DC, Agarwal R. Synergistic anti-cancer effects of silibinin with
conventional cytotoxic agents doxorubicin, cisplatin and carboplatin
against human breast carcinoma. Oncol Rep. 2004;11(2):493-499
[13] He Q, Kim J, Sharma RP. Silymarin protects against liver damage in
BALB/c mice exposed to fumonisin B1 despite increasing accumulation of
free sphingoid bases. Toxicol Sci. 2004;80(2):335-342
[14] Zhou S, Lim LY, Chowbay B. Herbal modulation of P-glycoprotein. Drug Metab Rev. 2004 Feb;36(1):57-104
Some of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review
standards, therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals
can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing
scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All
products distributed by Doctors’ Research, Inc. are nutritional and are
not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition.