Coughs can have many causes, and herbs have long been used by people who have coughs [1]. Intracellular Cough™
has been formulated to provide nutritional support for those who have a
pattern consistent with an intracellular bacterial infection—and who
normally demonstrate this with a chronic cough which is not known to
have another cause.
While allergies can cause many to have chronic coughs, Intracellular Cough™
is not intended to be used for coughs due to allergies. However, human
research has shown that those with allergies can develop a bacterial
sinusitis that contains intracellular bacteria in the sinuses [2]—for
those people Intracellular Cough™ may possibly be indicated.
research involving horses and dogs confirm that some chronic coughs
seem to be related to intracellular bacterial infections [3-4]. Human
research has also confirmed the presence of certain chronic coughs with
intracellular bacteria [2,5-8].
Some strains can include Rhodococcus equi [5], Bordetella pertussis [6] (though it tends to more acute than chronic [7]), and Bordetella bronchiseptica [7], and Anaplasma phagocytophilum
[8] . “The bacteria causing diphtheria, whooping cough, cholera and
other diseases secrete mono-ADP-ribosylating toxins that modify
intracellular proteins ” [9]. Some intracellular infectious agents,
such as Simkania negevensis do not seem to directly cause chronic coughs [10], even though they have been suspected as causative agents.
of the nature of some of these infections, normal immune support
products often do not provide the type of relief that the sufferer is
hoping for. Many of these infections agents are difficult to deal with
[6-7], which is part of why various standard interventions are
inadequate. For some in that category, Intracellular Cough™ may be indicated.
in the last decade of 20 th century, some natural health professionals
began specifically advising the combination of substances such as
bovine glandulars, bromelain, vitamin C, B vitamins, and lecithin as
nutritional support for the immune system support when intracellular
bacterial infections were encountered [11]. And now for the first time,
this type of relatively new strategy is now available in a 100% Food product for in the 21 st century.
Acerola Cherry Malpighia glabra is a Food source of vitamin C [12] and natural bioflavonoids.
Bovine aorta,
heart, hypothalamus, liver, lymph, parathyroid, pineal, pituitary,
spleen, thymus, thyroid, and tracheal tissue are all considered to be
cytotrophins. Cytotrophins are cell-food, and these glands have been
carefully dried at low temperatures to retain enzymes and other
constituents to help the cells.
Aorta and heart are
intended to support the heart and related circulation [13]. The
hypothalamus and pituitary are master endocrine glands and promote
proper health throughout the body, while the pineal gland regulates
circadian rhythm [14]. The liver contains Kupffer cells, which are
large macrophages that can efficiently cleanse the blood of various
bacteria [14]. Lymph tissue is used to support lymphatic tissue [13].
“The lymphocytes are located most extensively in the lymph nodes, but
they are also found in specialized lymphoid tissues, such as the
spleen…When the blood is invaded by infectious agents, the
reticuloendothial cells of the spleen rapidly remove debris, bacteria,
parasites, and so forth. Also, in many infectious processes, the spleen
enlarges in the same manner that lymph glands enlarge and then performs
its cleansing function even more adequately” [1]. The parathyroid helps
increase serum calcium levels [14]--increases in intracellular calcium
seem to help the body fight various infections [15]. The thyroid
promotes proper metabolism [14].
Bovine Thymus supplies
thymus tissue. “The T lymphocytes, after their origination in the bone
marrow, first migrate to the thymus gland. Here they divide rapidly and
at the same time develop extreme diversity for reacting against
specific antigens. That is, one of the thymic lymphocytes develops
specific reactivity against one antigen...These different types of
processed T lymphocytes now leave the thymus and spread throughout the
body to lodge in lymphocyte tissue everywhere…The thymus selects which
T lymphocytes will be released” [14]. Oral consumption of a bovine
thymus extract has been shown to reduce the frequency of recurrent
respiratory infections and increase salivary IgA in children [16]. The
thymus gland contains thymic hormones which Schulof found may enhance
immune response for people with HIV [17]. Oral supplementation with
bovine thymus has been shown to be capable of enhancing T-lymphocyte
activity, probably due to a thymosin-like activity [18].
Bovine Tracheal Cartilage contains chondroitin-sulfate-A which some have suggested is helpful for various
types of bacterial infections. After activation, natural killer cells
release peptides including “chondroitin sulfate…and destroy malignantly
transformed cells by necrotic process” [19].
Bromelain and Elderberry and have been reported to be beneficial for respiratory infections [20].
Carrot Root
naturally contains betacarotene, a vitamin A precursor. Vitamin A is
used by the body to strengthen the immune system and to help fight
infections [21].
Elderberry Sambucus nigra
is approved by the European Commission E for coughs, bronchitis,
fevers, and colds [1]. Elderberry also can protect various tissues from
injury from oxidative stress [22].
Juniper Berries Juniperus communis
are used to treat “herpes and flu infections” and severe inflammation
due to bronchitis[1]. Juniper has long been used for people with coughs
Lecithin is a source of phosphatidylcholine
[12], and herbs that seem to trigger phosphatidylcholine secretion have
traditionally and successfully been found to antitussive activities
against the coughs associated with bronchitis [24].
Passion Flower Passiflora incarnata “stimulates respiration” and has claimed sedative properties [1] .
Rice Bran Oryza sativa is an excellent Food source of many B vitamins [21]. In Indian medicine, “[r]ice is used for pneumonia” [1].
Tillandsia Moss Tillandsia usneoides absorbs toxins and pollutants [25].
Uva Ursi Arctostaphylos uva-ursi seems to have some bactericidal properties [1].
Do not delay necessary medical treatment because of this or any other
supplement. Some people with intracellular coughs report that they have
needed to take nutritional supplementation for two to three months
before noticing substantial improvement. However, if one does not
notice benefit when taking Intracellular Cough™ within three to four months, then it logical to conclude that it probably is not useful to continue.

Intracellular Cough Video
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Some of these studies (or citations) may not
conform to peer review standards (though most do). Therefore, the
results are not conclusive. Professionals can, and often do, come to
different conclusions when reviewing scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA.
All products distributed by Doctors’ Research, Inc. are nutritional and
are not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical