Unlike regular ‘natural’ ascorbic acid or mineral ascorbate supplements, Food C Complex
is a concentrated food and contains the bioflavonoids, amino acids,
fiber, and other constituents of vitamin C rich foods. Structural
differences between Food C Complex and so-called ‘natural’ ascorbic acid can be seen in these light microscope pictures:
Food Vitamin C |
Regular 'Natural' Ascorbic Acid |
Food C Complex is NOT the Same, Food C Complex is MUCH Better!
Those astonishing pictures above tell only part of the story. Unlike
some ascorbic acid supplements which have some food added to them, Food C Complex is a Food.
Vitamin C in Foods exists in at least two distinguishable forms with accompanying Food factors [1]. Yet,
regular ascorbic acid as well as mineral ascorbates are too incomplete
to be properly called vitamin C as they do not contain both forms nor
the accompanying Food factors [1]! It is of interest to note
that even Albert Szent Gyorgyi, while accepting the Nobel prize for
isolating ascorbic acid, told scientists that isolated ascorbic acid
did not work by itself--it worked best with the factors that are
naturally found with it in foods such as citrus (Food C Complex is a citrus Food!). Citruscontains both natural forms of vitamin C [1].
acid is made by fermenting refined sugar into sorbitol, then
hydrogenating it until it turns into sorbose, then acetone (commonly
referred to as nail polish remover) is added to break the molecular
bonds which creates ascorbic acid!How ‘natural’ is that? Food C Complex is a food, regular ‘natural’ ascorbic acid is not.
has been correctly written that “it was not honest to use the term
‘vitamin C’ for ascorbic acid. That term ‘should be reserved for the
vitamin C COMPLEX’. As recently as 1993, to differentiate articles sold
as drugs from nutritional supplements, the US Pharmacopeia
referred to ‘ascorbic acid’ as a recognized drug name and ‘vitamin C’
as a recognized food name” [2]. That is a good way even today to think
of the difference: Food C Complex is a biologically-produced Food, while regular ‘natural’ ascorbic acid is pharmaceutically manufactured.
An in vitro study found that Food C Complex has negative ORP (oxidative reductive potential) [3], yet the Merck Index
shows that so-called ‘natural’ ascorbic acid has positive ORP [4]
(negative ORP is much better as it helps ‘clean up’ oxidative damage
whereas items with positive ORP do not) [5]. Food C Complex is also 10x less acidic than ascorbic acid.
One study found that Food C Complex
had proven to have 492 micro moles per gram T.E. (Trolox equivalents)
of hydrophilic ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) [6]—ORAC is
essentially a measurement of the ability to quench free radicals
(antioxidant ability)—while blueberries (one of the highest ORAC
sources [7]) only had 195 micro moles per gram T.E. [6]—thus Food C Complex has
2.52 times the ORAC ability of blueberries. Vitamin C containing food
has over 15.6 times the ORAC of isolated ascorbic acid [7] (Food C Complex
may be infinitely higher). Actually, there are doubts that isolated
ascorbic acid has any significant antioxidant effects in humans [8]. Food C Complex is clearly superior for any interested in ORAC—which should include everyone!
“the bioavailability of vitamin C in humans and...our current
understanding of that process and factors that influence it are
incomplete” [9], it appears that slower disintegration times improve
the bioavailability of vitamin C [10] (Food C Complex has
slower disintegration times). Some of the many functions that vitamin C
is involved in include collagen formation, carnitine biosynthesis,
neurotransmitter synthesis, enhancement of iron absorption,
immunocompetence, antioxidant defense, possible anticarcenogenic
effects, protection of folate and vitamin E from oxidation, and
cholesterol catabolism [1].
Why 400 mg? Research from the National Academy of Sciences
suggests that the maximum vitamin C benefits (presuming healthy people
in a healthy environment) come from consuming 400 mg of vitamin C per
day [11]. “Plasma is completely saturated in doses of 400 mg and higher
daily producing a steady-state plasma concentration of 80 mM” [8]. That
does not mean that some do not benefit from higher amounts, but only
that this is an excellent amount for those looking for a reasonably
high benefit level.
Bioflavonoids are
flavonoids which are found in plants and animals which possess
antioxidant actions against “free radicals” and have vitamin-like
activity [12]. “Flavonoids are natural substances which have
antioxidant activity. Flavonoids are scavengers of superoxide anion and
lipid peroxyl radicals and can sequester metal ions through
liganding...flavonoids inhibit in vitro oxidation and
cytoxicity of LDL. Flavonoids can inhibit cyclo-oxygenase activity and
therefore reduce platelet aggression and thrombosis” [13]. Food C Complex
bioflavonoids contain as many as sixteen truly organic bioflavonoids:
flavanone glycosides, naringin, neorioctrin, neohesperidin, hesperiden,
flavone glycosides, rhoifolin, luteolin, neodiosnin, flavon aglycones,
tetra-o-methylisoscutellaren, sinensetin, isosinensetin, tangeritin,
nobiletin, 5-0-desmethylnobiletin--other bioflavonoid-containing
formulas typically are less complete.
Fiber: Each C Complex
contains 104 mg of soluble and insoluble fiber. Both fibers are
important for human health. Few women meet the National Cancer
Institute recommendations for consuming 20g of fiber per day [14].
Dietary fiber helps regulate nutrient absorption, sterol metabolism,
cecal fermentation, and stool weight [15]. Shortages may lead to
cholesterol problems, certain cancers, digestive problems,
cardiovascular concerns, and nutrient problems [14,15].
You and your clients should take Food C Complex
daily because vitamin C, “can readily donate electrons to quench a
variety of reactive free radical and oxidative species and is easily
returned to its reduced state...The vitamin efficiently
scavenges hydroxyl, peroxyl, and superoxide radicals, as well as
reactive peroxide, singlet oxygen, and hypochlorite species” and
protects against lipid and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) peroxidation”
[1]. “Vitamin C has antioxidant activity. It may also have
anti-atherogenic, anticarcinogenic, antihypertensive, antiviral,
antihistaminic, immunomodulatory, opthalmoprotective and
airway-protective actions. Vitamin C may aid in the detoxification of
some heavy metals, such as lead and other toxic chemicals. Vitamin C is
arguably the most important water-soluble biological antioxidant. It
can scavenge both reactive oxygen species and nitrogen reactive
species” [16]. Food C Complex is a superior Food and the truly Food choice for complete vitamin C supplementation!

naturally occurring carbohydrates, lipids, proteins (including all ten
essential amino acids), and truly organic bioflavonoids as found in the
edible portions of citrus fruits with mixed plant fiber Cellula
vegetabalis --all the nutrients shown above are contained in these
foods. Unlike many so-called “natural” formulas containing vitamin C, C
Complex is a food complex which contains no isolated USP ascorbic acid,
but only contains foods, food complexes, and food concentrates.
university studies have concluded that supplements containing food
nutrients are better than USP isolates. Food nutrients are better
because they contain important enzymes, peptides, and phytonutrients
CRITICAL to the UTILIZATION of vitamins and minerals which are not
present in isolated USP nutrients. Published research has concluded
that food vitamins are superior synthetic/USP vitamins.
Suggested use: 1-3 tablets per day or as recommended by your health
care professional. Adjust usage according to nutritional lifestyle
C Complex Video
[1] Turner G. Spectral Data Services. Tests conducted Feb. 1993
[2] DeCava JA. The Lee Philosophy -- Part II. Nutrition News and Views 2003; 7(1):1-6
[3] Thiel R. ORP Study on Durham-produced Food Vitamin C for Food
Research LLC. Doctors’ Research Inc., Arroyo Grande (CA), February 17,
[4] Budavari S ed. The Merck Index: An
Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals, 12 th ed. Merck
& Co, Whitehouse Station (NJ), 1997
[5] Thiel RJ. The truth about vitamins in supplements. ANMA Monitor, 2003;6(2):6-14
[6] ORAC Test by Brunswick Laboratories, Wareham (MA), February 2006
[7] Williams D. ORAC values for fruits and vegetables. Alternatives, 1999;7(22):171
[8] Sebastian J, et al. Vitamin C as an antioxidant: evaluation of its
role in disease prevention. J Am Coll Nutr, 2003;22(1):18-35
[9] Mayersohn M. Vitamin C bioavailability. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol,1992;Spec:446-449
[10] Bhagavan HN, Wolkoff BI. Correlation between the disintegration
time and the bioavailability of vitamin C tablets. Pharm
[11] Levine M, Conry-Cantilena
C, Wang Y, Welch RW, Washko PW, Dhariwal KR, Park JB, Lazarev A,
Graumlich JF, King J, Cantilena LR. Vitamin C pharmacokinetics in
healthy volunteers: evidence for a recommended dietary allowance. Proc
Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Apr 16;93(8):3704-3709
[12] Ensminger AH, Ensminger ME, Konlade JE, Robson JRK. Food & Nutrition Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. CRC Press, New York, 1993
[13] Catapano AL. Antioxidant effect of flavonoids. Angiology,1997;48(1):39-44
[14] Thompson FE, et al. Sources of fiber and fat in the diets of U.S.
women ages 19 to 50: implications for nutritional education and policy.
Am J Pub Health 1992, 82(5):695-702
[15] Dietary fiber: importance of function as well as amount. Lancet 1992, 340:1133-1134
[16] Hendler SS, Rorvik D, editors. PDR for Nutritional Supplements. Medical Economics, Montvale (NJ), 2001
Some of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review
standards, therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals
can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing
scientific data. None of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA. All
products distributed by Doctors’ Research, Inc. are nutritional and are
not intended for the treatment or prevention of any medical condition.